Disruptive Innovation

Community Service

Blue Grass Fire Department

Every Sunday our team gives to a local fire department to volunteer. We help the firefighters by cleaning the fire station, and doing other various tasks to help them be prepared when an emergency occurs. For example, one of the tasks we have done is filling out cards for the elderly so the firefighters can know the medications they take. Another task we have done is hose down and clean the firetrucks, cop cars, and ambulances.

Teams we mentor

  1. FLL Jr-Wilson and Bett

  2. FLL-BG and Walcott

  3. FTC-Combots and Lemons

Women in Engineering Day

On this day, we had women that were interested in Engineering listen to women in our community that are involved with many different aspects of engineering. One of the women was a work at the COBHAM work place that designs military equipment. It was a fantastic way for West girls to be more involved in the Engineering world.